
50 years


Nexteam is an integrated player serving the aeronautics and defense sector with comprehensive expertise in metal parts through 4 trades: machining, foundry, mechanical welding, and surface treatment. The Group is involved in long or emergency programs, from co-engineering to series, in the construction or repair phase.

The core business is the manufacture of high value-added mechanical parts and sub-assemblies, prototype or series, for major aeronautical and defense programs. With its business expertise, Nexteam also conducts an activity of integrated design offices and has a team dedicated to innovation which leads it to develop products, from design to repair. Assembly, maintenance and repair activities are also offered.


Nexteam has 3 business areas of expertise, including our Foundry division.


Nexteam Group is involved from the study and design phase onwards to offer its clients key-in-hand projects through to industrialisation of optimised solutions. Engineering work is carried out in close association with methods offices.

Material management and storage
Material management and storage

Nexteam Group transforms and stores raw materials specific to aerospace (stainless steel, titanium, Inconel, lithium) for its production sites and clients.


Quality and certifications

From the outset, Nexteam has made the satisfaction of its customers and the best response to their requirements a priority commitment, shared by all business lines.



Nexteam offers a business model strongly focused on innovation and R&T, with the ambition of offering its customers the best of current technologies, while preparing for the industrial challenges of the future.


Nexteam Academy

Nexteam has its own training structure

They trust us

Our locations

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