European Commission selects the Steadiest project

NEXTEAM GROUP, a major player in the production of mechanical assemblies and complex machining for the aeronautical and defense industries, and its Consulting and Technical and Arts and Crafts partners have been selected for the realization of their STEADIEST project.

The STEADIEST (Supercritical composiTE mAin DrIvE SysTem) project is part of the European H2020 Clean Sky2 innovation program, which aims to advance technology in aeronautics. This project consists of developing an entire mechanical power transmission chain for a convertible type device (tilt rotor helicopter). The work and lines of research will mainly focus on:

  • optimization of mass through the use of composite materials,
  • improving the vibratory level and stability of trees via innovative features (semi-active devices),
  • a predictive approach to maintenance operations via an integrated monitoring system.

A complete transmission 10 meters long will be delivered at the end of 2022 for the first tests on a convertible demonstrator. This new chain will have a high level of technical performance (low weight, easy maintenance, reduced vibration level), innovative features (monitoring system, active damping) and cost optimization (harmonization and standardization of references, value analysis) .
As project manager, NEXTEAM GROUP will be responsible for the general definition of the transmission chain and will rely on the respective skills of Consulting and Technical and Arts and Crafts in the development of composite shafts and vibration studies. Within NEXTEAM GROUP, this subject will involve 10 employees from design offices and production. This project is anchored in NEXTEAM GROUP’s development strategy on the design and manufacture of dynamic assemblies and on the promotion of the Group’s engineering skill.

The H2020 Cleansky2 program
This program led by the European Commission, with the support of major aeronautics contractors, offers research themes in aeronautics and launches calls for projects that may be of interest to SMEs, institutions, etc. This is the 9th wave of project launches in 2019.

The Steadiest project
• Project launching : october 2019
• Total budget : € 550 000

chaine de transmission tilrotor

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