Press and current affairs

Press release
  • 16 February 2022
    Actualités, Press release
    NEXTEAM GROUP and VENTANA finalize their consolidation Bordeaux, February 11th 2022 – The representatives of the NEXTEAM GROUP and VENTANA today signed the final act of their merger.  Announced last October, the unification of the two entities has now been confirmed. All of the shareholders were gathered together today to sign the...
  • 5 November 2021
    Actualités, Press release
    The Steadiest project: waypoint
    NEXTEAM GROUP develop the STEADIEST transmission for Next-Generation Civil Tiltrotor November 2021 - NEXTEAM Group, and his partners Conseil & Technique and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers, validate the definition of composite architecture for transmission drive shaft which allows to link the two nacelles of aircraft. The 10 meter...
  • 7 October 2021
    Press release
    Consolidation in the aeronautics industry
  • 5 April 2021
    Actualités, News, Press release
    The Steadiest project: technological challenges
    April 2021 - The Steadiest project was born from an issue raised by the industrialist Leonardo and aims to develop an entire mechanical power transmission chain for a convertible type device: a tilting rotor or tilt helicopter rotor. NEXTEAM GROUP is committed to this project with the desire to...
  • 30 November 2020
    Actualités, Press release
    A 100% digital Aeromart Show for NEXTEAM GROUP
    At the start of December, NEXTEAM GROUP will participate in the Aeromart Toulouse Show in its 100% digital version. Exceptionally due to the ban of gatherings, the Aeromart Show scheduled for December 1, 2 and 3 in Toulouse, plays extra time until December 8 and 9 and has turned into...
  • 17 November 2020
    Actualités, Press release
    Steadiest project team participates in SAMPE 2020
    On November 26, a technical e-day will take place, exceptionally  100% remote, organized by SAMPE. The program for this day: conferences and presentation of innovative projects like our STEADIEST project conducted by NEXTEAM GROUP teams and 2 partners (Conseil & Technique and Arts & Métiers). The technical advances which mark out...
  • chaine de transmission tilrotor
    28 September 2020
    News, Press release
    STEADIEST project continues to develop
    NEXTEAM Group, with its partners Conseil et Technique and the National School of "Arts et Métiers", is about to validate the transmission architecture of the New Generation Civil TilRotor (NGCTR). 10 meters long, the transmission chain developed by the STEADIEST consortium has reached the Preliminary Design Review. This is...
  • 20 November 2019
    Actualités, Press release
    European Commission selects the Steadiest project
    NEXTEAM GROUP, a major player in the production of mechanical assemblies and complex machining for the aeronautical and defense industries, and its Consulting and Technical and Arts and Crafts partners have been selected for the realization of their STEADIEST project. The STEADIEST (Supercritical composiTE mAin DrIvE SysTem) project is part...

Please find the contact of our communication service :

Gaëlle GUILLON, chargée de communication
+33 (0)5 49 02 56 70

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