
As a human and responsible company, Nexteam embraces an ambitious social model that gives priority to human development through high-quality relationships based on dialogue with employees.

Environmental performance at the heart of a sustainable development strategy

NEXTEAM bases its performance on a constant quest for excellence and quality in its various areas of work, on the building of a trust pact with its actors and on a strong territorial presence inherited of its long history.

At the heart of the group’s concerns, environmental performance is the subject of a carefully structured global procedure which forms a principal axis of its sustainable development strategy. Most notably, Nexteam is committed to setting up an environmental management system based on Standard ISO 14001. This system involves every employee and every actor with the aim of mastering the environmental impacts of its activity while complying with legal regulations. Particular attention is always being paid to waste management.



Now with half a century of history, Nexteam is the direct partner of principal order issuers in the aerospace sector. The Group was the fruit of the 2013 merger of four family businesses wishing to bring their complementary skills together under one roof.



Nexteam daily applies the fundamental values that unite all its employees and come together to provide the foundation of its business culture: service, requirement, solidarity and goodwill.


Strategic vision

Nexteam, a major actor in the field of aerospace, applies a development strategy centred on service and performance to work with its clients and thus meet their requirements as comprehensively as possible.

Our establishments

They trust in us

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