NEXTEAM is committed
Nexteam defines its major challenges in terms of the following objectives:
- Comply with environmental regulations & other requirements linked to the Group’s activities
- Contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions
- Strengthen the commitment of our employees and contribute to improving their skills
- Develop CSR ethics and culture within the company
Through all its actions, Nexteam is recognized as a company in transition by the community.
President words
“As a manufacturer, we must act responsibly to promote our know-how and inspire future generations to become involved in the aerospace and defense industry”.
Ludovic ASQUINI, Nexteam President
The three pillars of our actions
- Environmental focus
- Low-carbon transition and resource conservation
- Reduce our CO2 emissions
Developing our employees’ environmental awareness
Reduce and recycle our waste
Axe Social
Bien être des salariés et développement des compétences
- Consolider l’engagement de nos salariés
- Améliorer les compétences
- Favoriser l’égalité des chances et la diversité
Axe Gouvernance
Ethique et culture RSE au sein de l’entreprise
- Réaliser des achats responsable
- Agir de façon éthique
- Intégrer la RSE au cœur de l’entreprise